How to Select the Right Salesforce Engineers

By dbracho, 31 January, 2022



A company is made up of many parts, but the main thing will always be how this company is able to manage the relationship with its customers. Providing a good user experience is essential to strengthen the relationship with customers and thus increase sales, and fortunately, you do not have to do this task alone. A CRM like Salesforce's can make all the difference.


Salesforce is a customer relationship management solution that brings companies and customers together. It is an integrated CRM platform that provides all your departments, including marketing, sales, commerce and services, a single and shared view of each client”, explains the company on its website, defining what this platform does, which has revolutionized the way which companies conduct their business.


What companies get by implementing Salesforce


  • It is possible to attract more buyers with personalized marketing, based on their habits, interests and purchase history.
  • Knowing the needs of your clients will make it possible for you to propose the right solutions to their requirements.
  • Through a CRM, your company will offer better customer service.
  • When it comes to solving problems, through CRM you will have faster access to customer information.
  • Best of all, by automating many of the team's day-to-day tasks, employees can focus on more strategic and analytical tasks.




How to choose the right Salesforce engineers?


Engineers who are dedicated to working with Salesforce must have certain skills to guarantee the success of the projects. Some of these skills are:




Preferably you develop and maintain applications, new and existing features for web applications using Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, explained the Zippia portal.



“SOQL is short for Salesforce Object Query Language. Companies use this program to search employee data and other financial records from their elaborate databases. SOQL is comparable to the (SQL) SELECT statement but is primarily designed for Salesforce data, unlike SQL”, they added in the same article.






It is necessary for a Salesforce engineer to know how to handle the HTML language since he will be in charge of designing and developing the user interface of the application modules using HTML, Java script, J Query and Angular JS. It will also be necessary, for example, for him to create mass emails using HTML and custom HTML.






CSS is defined as a “graphic design language for defining and creating the presentation of a structured document written in a markup language”. And the advantage of a Salesforce engineer handling CSS is that he will be able to create pages and platforms with an incredible functional visual force.


Consulting skills


It is obviously essential that a dedicated Salesforce engineer be an expert in all technical aspects of software development. But the communication skills that these professionals have should not be neglected. Any consulting skills they may have are invaluable as it will allow them to better understand what the customer needs so they can tailor Salesforce to their particular needs. You must be able to make a diagnosis to identify strengths and weaknesses, and thus put together the plan that works best for the company in question.


These are part of the most important skills and tools that a Salesforce engineer must-have, so when choosing one for your company, make sure that they meet most of the points that we have just explained. Do you need advice on Salesforce? Contact Us!


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