Nearshore software development for healthcare industry

By dbracho, 29 July, 2023

nearshore software development


The evolution of technology has led companies and institutions –regardless of their sector– to transform many of their operations and the way they run their businesses. The health industry has not escaped this digital transformation, as it seeks to improve the care that health personnel offer to patients, improve follow-up and clinical support. With the use of technology all this is possible.


“Data integration has become an act of support to ensure a better application of digital technology in the health sector. In this sense, the latest technologies such as blockchain, cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools help the health sector to identify and evaluate large volumes of patient data”, they indicated in the Digitization of healthcare sector: A study on privacy and security concerns, created by scientists from the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.


This is a sign that health institutions are more than willing to transform their flows through technology, but many face a lack of qualified personnel to face these digital challenges. In this context, nearshore software development services are essential to initiate these transformations.


nearshore software development


How the healthcare industry benefits from nearshore software development services

Here are some specific examples of how nearshore software development services can improve business flows in the healthcare industry:


Access to specialized talent

Nearshore software development services allow the healthcare industry access to highly skilled talent in information technology and software development. These professionals are familiar with software development best practices and can apply their expertise to create innovative and customized solutions for the healthcare industry.


Costs reduction

By opting for nearshore software development services, healthcare organizations can benefit from lower labor costs compared to software development in the country of origin. This can lead to significant cost savings, allowing organizations to invest more resources in improving healthcare and adopting advanced technologies.

nearshore software development


Regulatory compliance and security

Nearshore software development service providers have experience working with clients from different industries and countries, giving them a solid understanding of regulatory compliance and data security regulations. For the healthcare industry, where the privacy and security of patient information are paramount, this is especially valuable.


“As a small to medium-sized company, it is extremely difficult for on-site staff to keep up with the number of technologies required to process data, manage records, and maintain ongoing operations. Upgrading to a new system or adjusting processes to meet new compliance standards becomes an extremely challenging, expensive, and time-consuming task with few staff", they say in an article on the Compass One Healthcare portal, in which indicate that the best decision in this case is to hire nearshore development services.


Flexibility and adaptability

Nearshore software development teams offer greater flexibility and adaptability to the changing needs of the healthcare industry. They can quickly respond to new opportunities or challenges and adjust software development projects as needed.


“Healthcare organizations will often turn to outsourcing to improve the scalability of their services. IT leaders must plan for capacity that positions them to meet future needs (...) An organization with outsourced IT services has access to increased capacity that enables it to meet peak demand periods and business requirements without having to to invest more”, they pointed out in this regard in an article on the MyeMed portal.


nearshore software development


Integration of systems and technologies

Nearshore software development services can facilitate the integration of existing healthcare systems, thus improving interoperability and data flow between different medical platforms. This is essential to enable seamless communication between systems and provide a more cohesive care experience for patients and healthcare providers.


Taken together, these benefits make nearshore software development services an attractive option for the healthcare industry. By leveraging specialized talent, competitive costs, and regulatory compliance expertise, healthcare organizations can improve efficiency, quality of care, and technological innovation for the benefit of patients and healthcare professionals.


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