Solutions that nearshore development companies can create

By dbracho, 25 June, 2024
nearshore software development companies


Believe it or not, there are still thousands of businesses in the world that do not know that they can hire a nearshore software development company to support them in their software projects, regardless of the type of software or applications they want to develop. Or maybe they think their business is too small and nearshore developers are more appropriate for large companies, which is not true.


Nearshore software development companies are strategically positioned to offer services that are not only cost-effective, but also high quality and aligned with customer needs. In this article we will talk about the different types of digital solutions that nearshore development companies can offer and how these can benefit your business.


nearshore software development companies


Let's quickly understand what nearshore development is

Before we dive into the types of digital solutions, it is essential to understand what nearshore development is. Nearshore development involves collaboration with software development teams located in nearby countries.


This offers a number of advantages, such as geographic proximity, similar time zones, and better cultural and linguistic alignment compared to outsourcing to more distant locations (offshore). Nearshore companies can offer nearshore development services that are tailored to the specific needs of your business, allowing for smoother communication and greater synchronization on complex projects.


Types of digital solutions offered by nearshore software development companies

Nearshore software development companies are equipped to offer a wide range of digital solutions, from mobile application development to the implementation of complex artificial intelligence systems.


1. Mobile application development

Mobile applications have become a critical component for any company's digital strategy, due to the massive and constant use of mobile devices. “Between 2019 and 2022, time spent using mobile apps for global users increased by approximately 46%", Statista explained in a report.


Nearshore development services include the creation of mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms. These applications can be developed to meet a variety of needs, from improving customer experience to optimizing internal operations.


Nearshore companies excel in mobile app development due to their ability to integrate advanced technologies such as augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies can transform your mobile app into a powerful tool that not only engages users but also drives business growth, and these types of companies often have excellent nearshore developers at their disposal.


nearshore software development companies


2. Enterprise software development

Enterprise software solutions are essential for efficient management of operations and processes in large organizations. Nearshore developers are experts at creating custom business systems that can include everything from customer relationship management (CRM) systems to enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms.


Nearshore development allows companies to access high-quality business software solutions that are scalable and customizable. This means that as your business grows and evolves, your software can adapt and expand to meet new demands.


Additionally, by working with a nearshore software development company, you can ensure that software is delivered on time and on budget, thanks to proximity and constant communication.


3. Development of eCommerce solutions

E-commerce continues to be one of the fastest growing areas in the digital world. “The entire e-commerce business is booming, not just retail sales. With growth of almost 9% projected for this year, there are many opportunities to dive into”, they noted in a Forbes article.


Nearshore software development companies can help your business establish a strong online presence by developing custom eCommerce solutions. This includes creating online stores, inventory management systems, payment integrations, and digital marketing platforms.


Nearshore eCommerce development services are designed to provide an optimized user experience, making it easier for customers to navigate and make purchases on your website. Additionally, these nearshore developers can implement advanced features such as AI-based product recommendations, chatbots for customer support, and real-time data analytics, which can help boost sales and improve customer satisfaction.


nearshore software development companies


4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing the way businesses operate. “In 2024, AI will be an essential part of the way your people interact with data, stakeholders and each other. Trust in AI will be critical, and that means more than just secure, compliant systems. It means implementing the right solutions for the right situation with the right data, policies and oversight to achieve relevant and reliable results”, they noted in a PwC report.


In this context, nearshore companies are at the forefront of this revolution, offering nearshore development services that include the implementation of AI and ML solutions.


These solutions can range from automating business processes to creating personalized recommendation systems. For example, nearshore developers can create intelligent chatbots that improve customer service or implement prediction algorithms that optimize the supply chain.


The ability to access these services through a nearshore partner means your business can benefit from the latest technological innovations without the costs and complications of in-sourcing.


5. Development of web platforms

Web platforms are essential for the digital presence of any company. Nearshore developers are experts at creating websites and web applications that are attractive, functional, and optimized for performance.


Nearshore development services in this space can range from creating corporate websites to developing complex web applications that support critical business functions. By working with a nearshore company, your business can get web platforms that not only meet the highest technical standards, but are also designed to be intuitive and easy to use for your customers and employees.


nearshore software development companies


6. Integration Services and API

Interoperability is key in this digital world, so integration and API solutions are essential. “API integration is a vital technique that involves linking various software applications through their application programming interfaces (APIs). Think of it as building bridges to enable seamless data flow between different “islands” of software, allowing these applications to interact and perform operations autonomously”, they described in the DEV Community.


Nearshore development services in integration can include creating custom APIs, integrating business systems, and automating processes through platforms such as Zapier or Microsoft Power Automate. These solutions allow your company to operate more cohesively and efficiently, maximizing the value of your technology investments.


Nearshore software development companies are well positioned to offer a wide range of digital solutions that can transform your business. From mobile app development to AI implementation and building complex web platforms, nearshore development services are designed to meet your specific needs and help your business thrive in a competitive digital environment.


If you are looking for an efficient and effective way to develop custom digital solutions, considering a nearshore development company could be the key to unlocking new opportunities and achieving success in today's market.


Do you need a nearshore software development company for your business? At Rootstack, we have +14 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us.


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