What is the NDA confidentiality agreement about?

By dbracho, 17 September, 2021



Once you have chosen the technology partner you want to work with, then the next step is to hire. Do not think that it is enough just to say "yes I do" to the partner: every company must thoroughly analyze the various types of contracts that exist, aimed at establishing how the work will be developed between the parties, costs and execution times, as well as the basis legal of this contract.


The contract signing stage can be complex and delicate, but it is necessary that you remain calm and review what the partner offers in the variety of contracts that it drafts.




Do not sign anything without reading first. In the first instance, make sure that there is a document that protects the confidential information of your company. Secondly, there must be another contract that establishes the legal bases of this business relationship and, finally, it is necessary that a document be made with the specifications of the service that the partner will offer to the company.


Characteristics of the NDA contract


Before doing any negotiation with your partner, the first document you should study is the NDA, which stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement. This contract is signed by both the client and the partner, since both agree to protect all the private information that they deal with from that moment and throughout the development of the project.




The acronym NDA refers to the Non-Disclosure Agreement, a contract signed by the client and the partner from the first moment they start the negotiations. This is the first document that you have to consider when working with a software partner, because the confidentiality that both parties must have regarding the private information they are handling is sealed.


This type of confidentiality agreement is appropriate because you are practically opening the doors of your company to a total stranger, who is going to know the core of your business, your processes and sensitive information that, if disclosed, could be harmful.


NDA modality


This NDA can be unilateral, in which only one of the parties agrees not to disclose the information of the other; as well as it can be bilateral, where both the client and the partner agree to protect the information of the other.




As a client, you should always demand this NDA agreement from the technology partner, which also presents a very important clause: the "Non Solicitation agreement", in which the two parties agree not to directly hire any of the employees they meet during the business relationship. They cannot contract these resources directly or indirectly or through a third party and, if they do, then an amount of compensation is stipulated.


Generally, this NDA agreement has a specific duration date, which covers the entire project development process to the end.


The confidentiality of your data is at stake if you do not sign a correct NDA. Read this document very well before closing the deal with the technology partner. Do you have any doubt? Contact us and we will gladly help you.

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