What services are included in managed IT solutions?

By lmartinez, 13 April, 2022

managed teams


In the midst of the digital age, companies worldwide are moving all their processes, both internal and external, to this field, serving their customers through dynamic websites and mobile applications that follow current trends. To keep all of this up to date, they need an IT team of experts, and this is where managed service providers come in.


A managed IT equipment, as defined by TechTarget, is "an information technology (IT) team provided by an outside contractor and delivered to a customer. In a managed services agreement, the managed service provider retains responsibility for the functionality of the service and the IT equipment, and the customer typically pays a monthly fee for receiving the service".


Within this IT managed equipment service, several functions are included to maintain the correct technological development of the company, the main one being to benefit the company economically and that they can count on a group of experts in their favor.


Services included in managed IT solutions


When a company decides to hire a managed IT service provider, it will generally have the following services:


  • Network testing and monitoring
  • Monitor network security and risk mitigation
  • Connectivity and bandwidth
  • Provide data storage
  • Management of installations and updates
  • Suggest and implement software patches.
  • Provide web hosting
  • Network provisioning or virtualization
  • Performance monitoring and reporting
  • Provide help desk support


Each provider offers different services, so it is recommended that you check with the company that you are going to hire to see if it has that specific solution that you need for the computerized services and technical department of your company.


At Rootstack we have focused on offering the best staff to companies around the world. More than 300 international clients have received the benefits of having a team of technology and computer experts at their disposal 24 hours a day, focused on keeping all the software and equipment that the company needs to be able to attend to its customers in proper working order and updated. customers and maintain order in the tasks of their collaborators.


managed teams


These are the fundamental services to look for in a managed IT team


When hiring a team of managed IT solutions, you must be aware of having these services:


- Specialists in the comprehensive development of IoT solutions, integrating data flows and generating fluid communication between processes, objects and people.

- Experts capable of creating innovative mobile applications and user interfaces on all platforms and devices.

- Have comprehensive QA services, so you make sure you have a person on the team that ensures that all projects are carried out with the highest possible quality.

- Experienced DevOps, capable of developing products and providing high-quality services in less time, more efficiently, and reducing costs.

- To guarantee a dynamic user interface in line with the latest global trends, the IT team must have a UI/UX designer in their ranks to create attractive and unforgettable experiences for all users.


With a team of experts who can offer you these different services, your company will begin to stand out on the internet and on social networks, with the ability to offer your clients functional and effective websites so that they can be in contact with you. at all times.


At Rootstack we are willing to work hand in hand with you at all times, making sure to raise the digital presence of your company and maximize the quality of your software and computerized processes, offering a team of trained professionals with international experience. Do not hesitate to contact us.


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What services are included in managed IT solutions?
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