The Key Misconceptions of Remote Work Part 2

By Anonymous (not verified), 13 December, 2016
In this 2nd part of the Blog I will explain other misconceptions about remote work as I did in [1st part of this article]( To get into context, I would like to remind you that distant or remote work is increasing, but there is still skepticism about the effectiveness and productivity of employees and the impact within companies. That is why I would like to clarify other concepts that have this form of work. **Are meetings ineffective?** There are many communication platforms that allow you to transmit messages very effectively as [Skype]( or [Zoom]( and it can also provide an added value by recording the communication and to consult it later on for any clarification. **Do remote workers feel lonely?** The fact of working remotely does not mean being locked up in a cell all day (although there are their particular cases), since today a great variety of places are obtained to be able to carry out the work activities like libraries, cafeterias and even the spaces of Co-working, which have hosted a large number of collaborators without a physical office. Although it is true that these sites may not satisfy the work-social environment that some developers are looking for and maybe they might feel "alone", this is not the case when hiring a remote development company, where they meet all the features and benefits of any other company, the only difference being that its clients are handled remotely. **Does distance work increase costs?** Some skeptics consider that the cost of hiring a person working remotely tends to increase by comparing it with a worker who has a physical presence in the organization. This is not true, since only the initial costs such as the sending of the equipment may be the differentiating factor, but in general, remote workers end up being more economical because the company's general expenses decrease for reasons such as: - Large office space is unnecessary. - Office furniture - Maintenance expenses - Various services such as coffee, snacks and photocopiers. - Travel expenses to and from the organization. **Is the company culture affected?** The culture of the company can be affected since there is no personal interaction face-to-face and this can have repercussions on the motivation and effectiveness of the employees, but all this falls under the responsibility of the managers, since they are the ones who must make a conscious effort to show the importance they give each team member and deserved value. **Are remote workers working 24/7** Not being physically in an office every day does not mean that you do not have a schedule. Remote workers keep schedules similar to their office counterparts and maintain commitments and responsibilities with which they must meet outside of their working hours. Working remotely does not mean working 24/7 just as it does not mean less responsibilities or professional commitment, since they must meet the same goals as their colleagues with physical presence in the company. **Is concentration more difficult?** Remote workers probably have the same background noise as office workers, whether listening to the radio or any other background music tool. However, the group of remote collaborators tend to overcompensate their lack of physical presence through a more organized structure of tasks and daily activities. ---------- In conclusion, I think it clarified several misconceptions of remote collaborators and I dare say that this is the new trend of the technology industry, since the tools available in the market for communication, control of activities/tasks flows and reports are quite advanced. Added to it, is the decrease in operating costs of the company, which gives greater weight to the following statement: > Certainly the physical presence of a collaborator is not a determining factor for its efficiency and productivity.
The Key Misconceptions of Remote Work Part 2
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