Importance of cultural adaptation when hiring an IT Staffing team

By dbracho, 23 March, 2023

Dedicated software development


The software developer shortage is a growing problem around the world. The demand for software programmers and developers continues to increase as more and more companies go digital and engage in digital transformation.


However, the supply of software developers is not increasing at the same rate, which has led to a global shortage of talent in the sector. This talent shortage can be an obstacle to economic growth and innovation in many industries.


Companies looking to hire software developers find themselves competing for limited talent and, in some cases, may be forced to lower their expectations or pay higher salaries to attract and retain top talent.


Dedicated software development


The Statista firm reported in one of its reports that up to 23% of startups admit failure due to their inability to assemble the right software development team they need for their projects.


As a result, it is important that strategies are adopted to address this talent shortage, such as hiring IT Staff Augmentation teams. These are teams made up of specialized and experienced profiles, who can be hired externally and temporarily, to meet a specific need in your project.


Why is it increasingly necessary to hire an IT Staff Augmentation team?

Shortage of internal talent

If a company does not have enough IT specialists in-house, it may need to hire an IT staff augmentation team to fill the gap. This is especially true for large-scale or highly specialized IT projects that require specific skills not available in-house.


Dedicated software development


Temporary increase in workload

If the business experiences a temporary increase in workload, as can occur during peak sales season, it may need to hire an IT staff augmentation team to help meet the additional demand.


Reduced costs

Hiring an IT staff augmentation team can be more cost-effective than hiring additional full-time in-house staff, especially if the workload is temporary and fluctuates over time.



Hiring an IT staff augmentation team can also provide flexibility in terms of project duration and team size. This allows the company to quickly adapt to changes in labor demand and project needs.


In addition, the IT Staff Augmentation modality allows companies to maintain control of their project, speeding up development with qualified personnel, without having to go through the stormy in-house recruitment and hiring process.


dedicated software developers


"Your technology partner acts as a mini technology park that provides you with the equipment resources, workstations and tools necessary for product development," they say in an article in YFS Magazine.


“Software team extension helps retain and monitor the performance of your extended team and scale your team when needed. However, it is you who is in charge of team management and responsibility for milestones and deliveries”, they added.


Tips for Managing Cultural Adaptation When Hiring an IT Staff Augmentation Team

When working with an IT staff augmentation team, it is important to be aware of cultural differences and work to integrate them into the company culture.


Here are some suggestions for managing this cultural adaptation and integration:


  • Understand the culture of the IT team staff augmentation

It is important to understand the culture of the IT staff augmentation team before starting any project. This includes knowing their values, ways of working, language, and any other relevant cultural differences.


  • Establish shared goals and values

Shared objectives and values must be established between the IT staff augmentation team and the company. This will help create a sense of unity and common direction for all team members.


Dedicated software development


  • Provide guidance and training

The company should provide orientation and training for the IT staff augmentation team on the company's culture, values, practices and policies. This will help team members better understand the culture of the company and how they are expected to work within it.


  • Effective communication

It is important to establish effective communication channels to ensure that IT staff augmentation team members are aware of changes in project requirements, timelines, and any other important information.


“Establishing regular video conferences, a specific time, in case of time zone differences, when all emails or messages are answered, and agreeing which digital channels will be used for communication, are crucial for internal and remote specialists to interact seamlessly”, they emphasized in a TechTalent article.


  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork

The company should encourage collaboration and teamwork between the members of the IT staff augmentation team and the internal team. This can be accomplished through regular meetings, brainstorming sessions, and other events that encourage collaboration and the sharing of ideas.


  • Encourage diversity

Diversity is important in any work environment and this includes cultural diversity. The company must encourage diversity and ensure that all team members feel valued and respected.


"Once you've established the cultural fit, as well as the experience and size of the available talent pool, you'll be able to utilize a steady stream of staff from a trusted resource", they added in a Venture Beat article.


desarrollo de software dedicado


To effectively manage the company culture with the IT staff augmentation team, it is important to understand the culture of the IT staff augmentation team, establish common goals, maintain open communication, work together as an integrated team, and foster diversity.


By doing so, you can fully leverage the benefits of IT staff augmentation and improve efficiency in developing and maintaining business-critical IT solutions.


Do you need an IT Staff Augmentation team in your company? At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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Importance of cultural adaptation when hiring an IT Staffing team
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