Costs of hiring an IT staff augmentation company in Texas

By dbracho, 24 April, 2023

it staff augmentation texas


It is crucial that businesses pay attention to budget when hiring an IT Staff Augmentation company in Texas. Although it's tempting to hire the first company that seems right, but in the long run, costs can add up quickly and negatively affect the finances of your business.


Instead, it's important to carefully assess your business needs and look for a company that offers personalized and transparent services, so you can get the best value for your investment. By working with a reliable and efficient IT Staff Augmentation company, your business can improve its efficiency and productivity, while keeping a tight rein on costs.




it staff augmentation texas



What do the prices of the service of an IT Staff Augmentation company in Texas depend on?

There are many factors that affect the service prices of an IT Staff Augmentation company in Texas.


  • Type of professional

The costs differ between the profiles of software developer, UX/UI designer, architect or technical leader, devops, QA engineer and project manager.


  • Technologies that handle

You may need mobile tech specialists like React native, Ionic, or Flutter, front-end tech like Vue and Angular, or experienced HTML, CSS, and JavaScript engineers. It may also be that the company requires backend specialists, with developers who handle technologies such as Java, Python, Ruby, C++, among others.


  • Hiring time

Hiring an IT staff augmentation company is usually by the hour. There is the "on-demand" modality, in which the team of developers is hired on demand. Some providers stipulate a minimum number of contract hours per month. The possibility exists for these teams to be hired on a part-time or full-time basis. Read more about developer skills that will benefit your business.


  • Hiring period

It is also important that the company consider the period for which it is going to contract the services of the IT staff augmentation company in Texas. It can be as short as less than 3 months, between 3 and 6 months, or as long as more than 6 months.


it staff augmentation texas

Regarding costs, in the whitepaper prepared by ISS they make several valid and interesting remarks:


- Most organizations do not know their true costs of production before hiring an IT staff augmentation or outsourcing provider in Texas, making it much more difficult to calculate what it actually costs to hire a software service provider .


- Sometimes the costs associated with the IT staff augmentation process -such as contract monitoring or process streamlining as such- are not included in the calculations, which is a mistake since the development team has to dedicate time and energy to these tasks.


“Direct cost savings come in two stages: initial cost savings come from restructuring the workforce, processes, and introducing new systems; the second stage is represented by continuous cost savings from the implementation of best practices, continuous innovation and the reduction of liability costs”, they added in the document.


What are the costs of hiring an IT Staff Augmentation company in Texas

The costs of hiring an IT Staff Augmentation company in Texas can be significantly less than the costs of hiring in-house staff. IT Staff Augmentation companies in Texas can provide highly-skilled staff, reduce recruitment and hiring costs, and allow for greater flexibility in project management.


it staff augmentation texas


However, it is important for businesses to research and compare the rates and services of various IT Staff Augmentation companies before making a decision.




Here are some of the common costs associated with hiring an IT Staff Augmentation company in Texas:

  • IT Staff Augmentation companies in Texas may charge hourly or project rates. These fees can vary widely, depending on the experience and skills of the staff provided, they noted in an Upwork article.
  • Costs associated with recruiting and recruiting staff may be borne by the IT Staff Augmentation company or by the hiring business.
  • If the IT Staff Augmentation company provides full-time staff, the hiring business may be required to provide benefits and compensation.
  • Some IT Staff Augmentation companies in Texas may charge additional costs such as travel and lodging expenses if staff are required to work out of town.


The savings that hiring an IT staff augmentation company in Texas means for businesses

“An organization's IT department will save money from three sources: hardware, software, and IT licenses and support. The IT staff augmentation company in Texas will often supply their own computers, laptops, etc, and will pay for the software installed on the various devices”, they indicated in the same ISS whitepaper.


it staff augmentation texas


“The service provider will often bring their own proprietary software and operate their own central IT support desk. This, in turn, will save the customer's IT department resources that were previously used to support the systems”, they added.


Other ways an IT staff augmentation company in Texas builds in cost savings in the development cycle:


Recruitment Cost Savings

Hiring and maintaining an internal IT team can be expensive. Businesses must invest in recruiting, training and retaining employees. By using an IT staff augmentation company in Texas, businesses can reduce the costs associated with hiring in-house staff.


Maintenance cost savings

IT equipment requires constant maintenance, which can be expensive. By hiring an IT staff augmentation company in Texas, businesses can reduce the costs associated with maintaining and upgrading IT systems. The company is responsible for providing trained personnel to perform the necessary maintenance tasks.




Access to specialized talent

By hiring an IT staff augmentation company in Texas, businesses have access to a wide range of talent specialized in different areas of IT. This can help businesses save money, since they don't need to hire in-house staff to cover each of these areas.


it staff augmentation texas


Flexibility in project management

Hiring an IT staff augmentation company in Texas allows businesses to be more flexible in project management. They can hire the necessary staff for a specific project and then reduce or increase staff as needed. This can help reduce costs associated with project management and ensure that projects are completed in a timely manner.


The costs of hiring an IT Staff Augmentation company can be significantly less than the costs of hiring and keeping in-house staff. However, it is important to do extensive research and compare the rates and services of various IT Staff Augmentation companies before making a decision.


Do you need an IT staff augmentation company in Texas to boost your business? At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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How much does it cost to hire an IT staff augmentation company in Texas?
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