Advantages of IT Staff Augmentation for your company

By dbracho, 26 May, 2021
it Staff Augmentation

Do you need to increase the productivity of your company and improve results quickly? Anyone would say that the ideal strategy would be to hire more staff to be able to carry out more tasks. And it is true, the basis of any project is the team, but if your company is developing a temporary project, the most appropriate would be to use the Staff Augmentation strategy to achieve the objectives quickly and efficiently.


What is IT Staff Augmentation?


It is a strategy that seeks to add specialized personnel to a company, temporarily, to collaborate in certain tasks and projects, helping to achieve objectives more quickly and effectively. This increases the responsiveness of the company to certain tasks and raises productivity in general. Before applying this strategy in any company, you must first assess the characteristics and skills of the existing staff, and then know what is available and what extra staff is needed. From this, the search for personnel begins to start work under the Staff Augmentation methodology, work that in many cases is usually remote.


Advantages for companies


This type of contract, which is carried out for short periods of time, brings with it different operational advantages for any company, according to the Daxx technology portal:


It does not require investment in infrastructure


If your company is small, you do not need to open new offices for the new staff since thanks to the Staff Augmentation strategy, this team can work remotely, connecting to solve specific problems.


Reduces recruitment time


This type of staff is hired for specific tasks, so the recruitment time is shorter. The professional profile is evaluated in a specific way, depending on the needs of the project and the company, to carry out certain tasks.


There are no geographical limits


You can hire staff from anywhere in the world, without geographical or physical impediments. In this way, you can count on the help of highly qualified professionals, even if they are not in your own country or continent.


Savings in development costs


The costs of hiring an external staff are lower, in addition, you do not have to invest in office spaces, work equipment or more taxes.


it Staff Augmentation services

Some pros and cons of this strategy


Although the use of Staff Augmentation in companies is beneficial and productive, the truth is that some details must be considered before applying it. For example, if on the one hand the outsourcing team can quickly evaluate your company's project and add value, on the other hand, at times they may need a context of the company or the country where it is located, which could slow down the work said the Toptal portal.


Also, the duration of the project itself must be considered. Although the company can hire staff via Staff Augmentation with specific skills for certain projects, it could bring inconveniences if it is long-term projects, over two years, since the staff could cease their participation in it.


Now that you know what Staff Augmentation is and the advantages it brings to your company, the ideal is to evaluate the possibility of using it, so that you can see how productivity can be increased and business performance improved in the coming months. You just must dare to use this novel strategy that many companies in the world are already taking advantage of.


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