5 steps to create an e-commerce with IT outsourcing services

By dbracho, 6 July, 2023

it outsourcing services


After a few hard years of the pandemic, companies nowadays almost all they think about is expanding their businesses. By getting new customers and covering new markets, they are guaranteeing more sales and greater productivity and, in these objectives, the creation of an e-commerce has been key for many organizations, with the help of IT outsourcing services.


What does IT outsourcing services have to do with all this? A lot, since many companies do not have enough qualified personnel to develop an e-commerce, so IT outsourcing is very attractive: they have the experienced personnel needed to work on any software project, giving fast results and quality.


it outsourcing services


How IT outsourcing services help in the creation of an e-commerce

Qualified personnel

IT outsourcing services providers often work with companies from different industries, creating all kinds of projects. This gives them very valuable global knowledge that they can apply to the projects of all the clients with whom this provider works, providing added value. In addition, outsourcing engineers are always up to date with the latest technologies, which can be useful if your e-commerce needs specialized or very specific skills.


“IT outsourcing gives access to expert professionals in their respective fields. These specialists can produce high-quality results that would otherwise be inferior if produced in-house”, they stated in an Outsource Accelerator article.


System integration

The creation of an e-commerce is not simply creating a digital showcase so that you can sell your products online. Such a platform, to be fully useful and functional, needs to integrate with existing systems in the company, such as inventory management systems, customer management systems (CRM) and payment systems.


All these integrations will make work for the company more efficient and will allow offering a better user experience to end customers. IT outsourcing services facilitate this integration, ensuring that all systems work together efficiently, allowing for smoother management of operations and a more consistent buying experience for customers.


it outsourcing services


Performance optimization

And speaking of user experience, this aspect is essential for the success of an e-commerce platform. Even if your product is the best and sells great in a physical store, if the user does not feel comfortable browsing in e-commerce, if the website is slow or very confusing, sales will never grow.


IT outsourcing services have qualified staff to improve the performance of the website, ensuring fast page loading, smooth navigation and proper functionality on different devices and browsers, which will increase user satisfaction and reduce the rate of abandonment of shopping carts.


"Your brand will increase its competitive advantage in the market and this is obviously another significant benefit of IT outsourcing services", they highlighted in an article on the Readwrite portal.


And they added: “You will be able to focus on your core business, improve efficiency and effectively manage internal resources, and with this, you can expand your company faster than your rivals”.


Security and data protection

Security is a critical aspect in an e-commerce, since it involves handling sensitive customer information, such as payment data and personal data. IT outsourcing services can implement robust security measures, such as data encryption, intrusion detection systems, and SSL certificates, to protect information and ensure customer trust.


it outsourcing services


Support and maintenance

The work does not end with e-commerce available online. Once fully operational, there will always be a need for reliable technical support that is available to continuously maintain the platform and make necessary improvements after customer feedback.


Sometimes companies do not have enough staff to delegate these tasks to you, so IT outsourcing services become very useful, as they can provide technical support, troubleshoot and make updates and improvements to the website. This ensures smooth operation of the e-commerce and allows the company to focus on its core business.


Initial steps to create an e-commerce with the support of IT outsourcing services

Create an e-commerce, either with your internal team or with the support of IT outsourcing services, there are certain key steps that you must follow to start with this project and that everything flows towards the best path:


  • Define the objectives and requirements of e-commerce

First things first: you must have a very good understanding of the commercial requirements of your business and define the e-commerce requirements. For this, you must also have decided the products and services that you will offer on the platform, the functionalities and characteristics that you want it to have; In short, all the aspects and details that you want the e-commerce to have.


  • Selection of IT outsourcing service provider

After you have defined the previous point, then you can start the search for that IT outsourcing service provider that will help you create your platform. Focus on looking for providers that have experience building e-commerce platforms, as this will ensure a more efficient platform.


Pay particular attention to projects they have previously worked on, technical expertise, reputation, quality of work, and references from past clients.


it outsourcing services


  • User interface desing

By hiring an experienced IT outsourcing service provider, they can give you great support at the architecture and user interface design stage. Providers help companies define the navigation structure, page layout, visual design, and user experience. Make sure the design is attractive, intuitive, and easy for customers to use.


“The first thing to consider is a theme for your website. Themes are ready-to-use templates that give your website a consistent look and feel. All subscription platforms have tons of templates to choose from, so whether you're building your e-commerce website with WordPress, Shopify, Wix, or anything else, you'll have pre-built templates and themes to choose from", recommended in this Forbes article.


  • e-commerce development

I know that you have gone through the stages of defining needs, selecting the provider and designing the user interface, then it is time for e-commerce development. At this stage, the IT outsourcing team will support you in the creation of the technical infrastructure, the integration of systems, the implementation of specific functionalities (such as shopping cart, payment options, inventory tracking, etc.) and the configuration of site security.


  • Testing and quality control

Before launching e-commerce, extensive testing is essential to make sure everything is working properly and the IT outsourcing team should carry out performance tests, functionality tests, security tests, and compatibility tests on different devices and devices. browsers. It is also important to carry out a thorough review of the quality of the website.


it outsourcing services


  • Deployment and launch

Once the tests have been completed and the identified problems have been fixed, the implementation and launch of the e-commerce can proceed. Make sure you have a proper launch strategy in place, which can include marketing activities, website promotion, and communication with existing customers.


Remember that each e-commerce project can vary in terms of specific requirements and steps, so it is important to adapt this general list to the needs and characteristics of your company and the particular project.


Do you need IT outsourcing services for your next project? At Rootstack, we have +12 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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5 steps to create an e-commerce with IT outsourcing services
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