Hiring IT outsourcing firms for cybersecurity

By dbracho, 30 April, 2023

it outsourcing firms


The service of IT outsourcing firms can really be applied to any area of the company, be it the area of software product development, marketing or security. Especially the latter, cannot be taken lightly since the stability of the system and the protection of the data of any business depend on cyber security.


The main thing for all companies is to be able to guarantee the safeguarding of their data and the protection of information. A health company, bank or government entity, for example, cannot afford to expose themselves to cyber attacks that expose all their confidential information.


It is also a reality that many companies do not have enough IT staff to take good care of all the digital aspects of a business, which is why many leaders turn to the services of IT outsourcing firms to seek support in terms of cybersecurity.


Cybersecurity helps prevent and mitigate attacks from hackers, malware, phishing, and other forms of cybercrime. Cyberattacks can interrupt the operations of companies and organizations, which can affect business continuity and generate millions in losses, in addition to cybersecurity helping to prevent interruptions and maintain business continuity. Learn about what is the difference between cyber attacks and cyber threats.



it outsourcing firms


And companies are increasingly needing support in this regard: “More than 70% confirm that current application security solutions do not protect companies from security risks in the software supply chain”, indicated in a study by ReversingLabs, published by Global Trade magazine.


How companies benefit from hiring IT outsourcing services to manage business cybersecurity


The area of cybersecurity is growing considerably, as the digital solutions available in the market expand. In fact, according to a Markets and Markets report, global spending on cybersecurity services will reach $43.7 billion by 2026, up from $22.8 billion in 2021.


Undoubtedly, one of the main benefits of delegating cybersecurity to IT outsourcing firms has to do with costs. The investment is much lower hiring an external provider than creating an internal security team and hiring resources directly for this task.


Another attractive aspect of It outsourcing firms is availability: “​​Most organizations, particularly those in the small to medium-sized category, cannot afford to build a 24-hour security operations center. But, due to their larger size, IT outsourcing firms can attract and afford the necessary talent for continuous operations”, they explained in this regard on the Tech Target portal.


it outsourcing firms


Other valuable benefits are:


  • Experience and specialized knowledge

IT outsourcing firms have experience and specialized knowledge in the area of cybersecurity. This allows them to design and implement customized and effective security solutions to protect company systems, data and assets.


  • Improved performance and efficiency

By delegating the management of cybersecurity to an IT outsourcing provider, companies can focus on their core business and improve their performance and efficiency. This allows them to focus on their business strategy and increase their productivity.


  • Normative compliance

IT outsourcing providers can help companies comply with data privacy and security regulatory requirements, such as GDPR or HIPAA. This allows them to avoid fines and penalties for non-compliance and improve their reputation with customers and regulators.


it outsourcing firms




When is the time to hire an IT outsourcing firm to take care of cybersecurity?

The decision to hire an IT outsourcing firm for the management of a company's cybersecurity may depend on several factors. Here are some moments when it may be convenient to hire an IT outsourcing firm:


Lack of internal resources

If the company does not have an internal team dedicated to managing cybersecurity, or if the current team does not have sufficient experience or specialized knowledge in this area, it may be time to consider hiring an IT outsourcing firm.


it outsourcing firms


Cyber security risks

If the company has experienced cybersecurity incidents in the past, or if a high risk of cyberattacks has been identified, it is important to consider hiring an IT outsourcing firm to improve security and protect systems and data.


Regulatory requirements

If the company must comply with cybersecurity regulations and regulations, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS or the GDPR, it may be necessary to hire an IT outsourcing firm to ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties.


Changes in the company structure

If the company has undergone significant changes in its structure, such as the acquisition of a new company, expansion into new markets or the incorporation of new technologies, you may need to update your cybersecurity strategy and hire an IT outsourcing firm to help. with this task.




Shoestring budget

If the company has a limited budget for cybersecurity management, but still needs to guarantee the security and protection of its systems and data, hiring an IT outsourcing firm can be a cost-effective and effective option.


it outsourcing firms


Currently, cybersecurity has become a priority for any company, regardless of its size or industry. Cyber attacks can cause serious damage to a company's systems, data and assets, which can lead to financial and reputational losses.


For this reason, it is critical that companies pay attention to cybersecurity and take steps to protect against potential threats. In this sense, an IT outsourcing firm can provide great support to companies by offering specialized and personalized cybersecurity solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.


At Rootstack, we have +12 years of experience supporting companies in their digital efforts. Do you need expert cybersecurity developers? Contact us!


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Key benefits of hiring IT outsourcing firms for cybersecurity
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