Incorporate the digital culture in your company with Alfresco

By Anonymous (not verified), 4 July, 2017
![enter image description here]( The security of business documents is indispensable for the operational management of each company, not only internally but also to comply with the processes in the digital transformation on an online structure. With a platform of **enterprise content management** (ECM) you can have your customers' information on requests for new services, contracts, creation of files, proof of payment, among others.   Due to the amount of information being handled and the flow of exchange, it is necessary to have a place where each user can access the same information, categorize it and update the content **without affecting the operation of the company** with immediate availability. Fulfilling the life cycle of documents from creation, editing, updating, maintenance and tracking. Now, in **Rootstack** we work with [Alfresco]( with efficient processes in its documentation. Easy to customize with secure integrations and mobile access, making **communication between users optimal.** You can categorize documents, make quick submissions between users, view each file detail about updates, and more. Among the main benefits we can mention: ####**Benefits** - **Centralize all documents in one place** - **Reduce errors on document losses** - **Minimizes printing on paper** - **Accelerate processes** - **Keeps business information in good shape** - **Increases productivity** - **Minimizes risks** - **Time saving** ---------- With the correct and personalized solution, your company will reduce costs and minimize errors significantly. It will avoid the loss of documents, massive printing of paper, lack of knowledge about a file with the implementation of an **efficient** document manager, incorporating the digital culture in your company.   Being up to date with technological innovations will bring you multiple benefits as a company by giving a good impression to your customers and improving customer service providing automated tools to our employees.   For example, To create files for each client is necessary to generate a contract and collect a certain amount of documents to be invoiced. Each departmental user will be able to feed the files on sales quotations, collections, billings and subsequent follow-up in an **easy, fast and efficient way.** Together with [Alfresco]( we will keep your files secure with an easy-to-use platform, multi-user capability, integrations with your other systems and access from any mobile device facilitating the management of each file within your company in a **reliable and transparent way.**
Incorporate the digital culture in your company with Alfresco
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