The impact of Latin America software developers

By Anonymous (not verified), 6 December, 2018
developer web


When it comes to software outsourcing, regions like the Asian continent (India, to be precise) and Europe have always been the biggest outsourcing destinations, but everything has changed with the rise of Latin America software outsourcing in the last couple of years.


We have talked about this before in our previous blogs that you can check out here. Two blogs in which we mentioned how the biggest outsourcing destinations in Asia are actually in a downfall, and how the Latin American software outsourcing market is evolving.


Today, we’re going to take on this particular topic from another angle. Not only are we going to talk about the outsourcing market in this region, but how Latin America software developers have impacted the IT world in a good way.


Growth of the outsourcing market in Latin America


Back in June of 2018, Agile Engine made a study about the top fourteen outsourcing destinations amongst the three different continents (Europe, Asia and America), and not surprisingly enough, countries like Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia made it to the top of the list.


When you take this particular information and take a look at the fact that said countries have a higher market size than India, China and Malaysia put together, you realize just how big the software outsourcing market really is.


Basically, developers in Latin America have made this change possible, and as we show in our previous blogs, it doesn’t seem like it will stop at anytime soon, considering how fast the market is evolving.


A quick look into the developers Latin America community


Enough about talking about the market, it is time to move on and talk about the Latin America software development, and the community that is currently making the region grow.


According to the annual collection of software development statistic by Stack Overflow, the two regions with the most software engineers are Latin America, and Asia, with the last one sitting at the top of the list.


However, from that study we can appreciate how over one million software engineers are located in Latin America, with over 470,00 of them currently living and working in Brazil.


There’s also the fact countries like Panama, Argentina, and Chile are becoming extremely popular, with a huge percentage of skilled and well-prepared Latin America software developers receding there.


Are Latin America software developers a good option for you to work with?


By now, you know about the software outsourcing market in Latin America, and you know about the developers Latin American community, however, this means nothing if we can’t prove they are actually skilled.


To do this, we have taken information from the TopCoder Rating, the top-ranking to determine whether or not a country is a good choice to carry on a software development project, based on the experience of their software engineers.


That being said, the data showed that Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia occupied spots number 15, 35, 17, and 37 on a worldwide list of outsourcing destinations, something impressive when you compare it with other Asian countries.


There’s also the fact that a study made by Angile Engine directly showed how Latin American software developers have the HIGHEST rankings when it comes to maintaining a great working environment, cultural compatibility, and an overall great experience. So yes, you could say Latin American software developers are a great option for you to work with.


What Latin America software developers are doing


Stack Overflow conducted a survey this year where they took a look into the current latin america software outsourcing market to determined not only the numbers of developers in latin america, but what they were specialized on.


This study showed that over 60% of the current developers latin america community specialized as back-end developers, and other 30% were specialized as educator or academic researchers. It is also worth to mention that the rest of latin america software developers are distributed along mobile developers, database administrators, data or business analysts and system administrators.


Not only that, developers in latin america are keeping up with the top software development technologies, using Python, Java Script, and HTML as their top programming languages, although showing flexibility when working with different clients, according to the same study mentioned above.


What it is like to work with Latin America software developers


Last, but not least, it is important to take a look at how the working experience with developers from latin america is, and why is it that latin america software outsourcing has become extremely popular.


First off is the fact latin america software developers tend to have an overall higher working satisfaction, something that isn’t as visible with software engineers from Asia, let alone North America. Also, the study we mentioned before also showed that even when developers from Latin America usually have an average of five years of experience, they tend to be more work-driven, meaning they have this tendency of improvement others software developers don’t seem to have or experience.


In conclusion, latin america software outsourcing has become a forze to be reckoned with thanks to the developers in latin america, and how well they have performed during the last year.


Whether or not you should work with latin america software developers is completely up to you, but judging by the numbers and statistics we have showed you during this whole blog, we could say it is a pretty good (and safe) decision to start outsourcing to latin america as soon as possible.


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