How the use of an ERP impacts the collaborators

By Anonymous (not verified), 5 March, 2018


Taking into account the global economy, we can say that ERPs generate for organizations a strategic business tool where change management arises, with the implementation of these Business Resource Planning systems, it can be observed that results are generated every day in Regarding the level of productivity of the organization, you can see the positive and negative changes, but all this is achieved by making good use of the ERP, because these can be very good but if they are not properly fed they will not have the desired results, It is at this point that the personnel that works in the organization must be committed to the faithful fulfillment of all assigned tasks.




Situations that may occur

Many of the collaborators of an organization are resistant to the changes and the first thing they think is:

- "Because changing the system if the one I have does it well"
- "Because having to invest time and money learning a tool that in the end does the same as the current one"
- "Because the organization will invest so much money in a system that in the end nobody will know how to use"


It is completely normal to hear this type of comments, without the collaborator understanding that the number one plan of the organization is not to say if you waste your work time or if you are doing it right or wrong, the plan is to optimize your work in order to facilitate the realization of each of the activities, reduce the time that is invested in redundant work, through process flows that will allow you to know the best way to perform the tasks, so that an ERP has a real success is important to guide the entire team towards true change management.


At this point it is important that management motivates and supports its staff in the process of adopting ERP, in this way the staff will not feel like another number in the organization but will feel that it is an active and productive part of it. , likewise, it is worth noting that management understands that the success or failure of implementing these ERPs depends directly on all the people who interact with it, because if only one fails, the whole century is cut off. The company must guide its collaborators towards an organizational culture, since they will generate new processes and activities to which they are not accustomed.




Cases that an ERP may fail in the implementation

One of the factors for which the failure in the implementation of the ERP can be given is that the collaborators return to their old practices, to the use of excel or sending of information outside the established system since when making some information query it will not be updated nor will it be reliable.

Case examples:

- In Panama, a total of 97 companies use Softland ERP systems thanks to compliance with local laws, as well as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 

- San Diego Chemistry SAP Business One obtained as immediate information benefits in all areas, order tracking, up-to-date information on sales status, investments, flows.


Points to considerations before implementing an ERP

Before implementing an ERP it is important to know that not all the organizations that implement them are successful, it is also important to validate the type of ERP that fits the needs of your organization and the most important thing is to know what are the strengths and weaknesses of your collaborators so that they can go hand in hand with the ERP to be implemented.




The success factors in the implementation of an ERP to cause the least impact on collaborators are:

- Select the Erp that fits the needs of the Organization.
- Involve the personnel that will make use of the ERP in the adoption process in order to validate the processes and tasks of each one.
- To make employees see that it is not a follow-up, it is better to do the activities.
- To make the collaborators understand that the implementation of the ERP will not lead to a reduction in personnel, but it will be better to take advantage of the skills of each one of the collaborators.
- Create the collaborator a culture oriented to the management of changes.



In general terms we can say that the secret of the success of an organization is not in its production or in the ERP that is implementing this in the good training and in the personnel that the one in charge of executing the good practices to take the organization to the achievement of goals. 


"Always give the best you have. What you plant now, you will harvest later"


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