How much does SEO really costs

By Anonymous (not verified), 31 August, 2018



Getting your webpage to appear amongst the very first results in an online search requires so much more than simply putting content into the world. As a matter of fact, it takes a whole well constructed SEO marketing strategy.


However, companies that aren’t necessarily familiar with SEO tend to believe the search engine optimization method is nothing more than doing a quick keyword research and putting pieces of content together accordingly to the results.


Making your webpage SEO friendly and getting it to rank higher on Google and other search programs requires you to invest time, workforce and money into it. That being said, let’s take a look at how much does SEO really costs.


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Average SEO monthly price

Calculating how much a solid SEO marketing strategy really costs is a hard tasks because there are many factors that influence how much will it ultimately cost your company.


SEO experts and SEO companies can charge anything from $200 all the way to over $1000 a month by taking care of all the search engine optimization factors regarding your business.


Like we said the final price will depend on many factors, such as where your company currently is ranked, how far up do you want to rank and the timeline you have to do this.


Of course, these are the three key factors that will determine the price and cost range of the SEO strategy, but they aren’t the only ones, there also some aspects you should keep in mind when calculating your budget.


Key aspects that influence a SEO marketing campaign cost

Your current CMS

Believe it or not, the content management system you are currently using can directly make the prices low or higher.


If you are working with a CMS that isn’t designed to exceed Google algorithm expectations but instead barely covers the SEO aspect of your webpage, it is likely the SEO company will charge you more for having to take care of this as well.


Your current online position

It is not the same to work with a company or business that has some online visibility and somewhat good position in search engines than working with a company that’s starting from scratch.


Having a starting point is always a good advantage that will save you not only time but ultimately, money.


Your competitors

This will directly depend on your industry and the metrics and statistics of the others companies that are showing up and raking higher than you in the same search.


Of course, keywords are also a huge part of this and can affect the price depending on the set of keywords you are targeting and how popular or competitive they are


Expertise and skills of the company you’re working with

There’s no secret SEO companies or SEO experts that have more knowledge on the field tend to charge more than newbies that are barely just starting.


Just to give you an idea, SEO savvy Neil Patel can charger over $5,000 for a first time consultation. Of course, he’s someone with an extremely well known path, and you’ll be most likely to find experts that will do the right job for much less per month, but you get the idea.




Your general goals

Keep in mind SEO strategies take time to show results. If your particular SEO marketing strategy strives for long terms results rather than quick almost instant results, then it’s very likely the prices won’t be as high as expecting


However, if you’re looking for quick results and goals that need to be achieved almost right away, you need to be prepared to pay way more than the regular price.


To sum it up, asking for SEO help to experts and creating and successful SEO marketing strategy takes money, but the price will highly vary depending on your goals, your expectations, your current raking and of course, who you’ll be working with.


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