Top cities in Latam to hire an IT staff augmentation company

By dbracho, 4 July, 2024
it staff augmentation latam


In today's dynamic business landscape, demand for highly skilled technology talent has reached unprecedented levels. For companies looking to scale their operations, innovate and stay at the forefront of the industry, hiring an IT Staff Augmentation company has become a fundamental strategy.


it staff augmentation latam


What is IT Staff Augmentation?

IT Staff Augmentation is a strategic practice that allows companies to temporarily expand their IT teams with highly qualified professionals. This flexible approach offers multiple advantages, including:


Access to specialized talent: Companies can access professionals with the specific skills they need for their projects, without the need to carry out long and expensive recruitment processes.


Cost Reduction: The IT Staff Augmentation service eliminates the need to pay full benefits and other expenses associated with hiring permanent employees.


Greater scalability: Companies can scale up or down their IT team as business demands require.


Project Acceleration: With a trained IT Staff Augmentation team, companies can complete critical projects more quickly and efficiently.


Risk Minimization: By outsourcing part of their IT needs, businesses can reduce the risk of errors and technical issues.


Top 5 cities in Latam to hire an IT Staff Augmentation company

Below, we present a detailed description of the 5 main cities in Latam to hire an IT Staff Augmentation company, along with their main benefits:


1. Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Benefits

Large pool of IT talent with experience in software, web development and mobile applications: It is estimated that there are more than 100,000 IT professionals in Argentina, many of whom have experience in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain, making it an ideal city to hire software developers through IT staff augmentation.


“The size of Argentina's information technology (IT) market is projected to increase by USD 7.71 billion, at a rate of 8.81% between 2023 and 2028. The growth trajectory of the market is determined by several factors, in particular the increased adoption of cloud-based services, reflecting a broader trend of digital transformation”, they commented in a Technavio report.


it staff augmentation latam


Highly qualified and with good training in prestigious universities. Argentine universities are recognized for their excellence in the training of software developers. Some of the most prominent universities in this field are the University of Buenos Aires, the National University of Córdoba and the National Technological University.


Competitive cost. Software hiring and development costs in Argentina are significantly lower than in developed countries such as the United States or Europe, which has made this country a very attractive option for hiring IT staff augmentation companies.


Similar work culture. The work culture in Argentina is similar to that of North American countries, which facilitates collaboration between companies and IT staff augmentation teams in the United States.


Good technological infrastructure. Argentina has good technological infrastructure, including high-speed internet access and modern data centers.


2. Ciudad de México, México

  • Benefits

Lots of young talent eager to learn. Mexico has a young and growing population, with a large number of graduates in IT careers. Mexican IT professionals are young, enthusiastic and eager to learn new technologies and they are the ones who make up the IT staff augmentation teams.


“In Mexico, 130,000 engineers graduate every year, compared to 100,000 in the United States. Currently, in Mexico there are approximately 700,000 technological talents. That is a huge number of people”, they indicated in an article in Nearshore Americas.


it staff augmentation latam


Good engineering and technology universities. Mexico has several prestigious universities that offer engineering and technology degrees. Some of the most prominent universities in this area are the Technological Institute of Monterrey and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).


Strong startup ecosystem. Mexico has a strong startup ecosystem, which has driven the development of the IT sector in the country.


Proximity to the United States. The proximity of Mexico to the United States is an ideal panorama that facilitates collaboration between companies and IT staff augmentation services in Latam. There is an understanding of cultures, laws and language, since English is well handled in Mexico.


3. Bogotá, Colombia

  • Benefits

Proactive government encouraging growth of the IT sector. The Colombian government has implemented several policies to encourage the growth of the IT sector in the country. These policies include tax incentives, training programs and the creation of technology parks.


Growing ecosystem of startups and technology companies. Colombia has a rapidly growing ecosystem of startups and technology companies. This has created a great demand for IT professionals in the country, which is why IT staff augmentation companies have proliferated.


it staff augmentation latam


Competitive salaries. Salaries for IT professionals in Colombia are competitive, although they may be a little lower than in other Latin American countries.


Good life quality. Bogotá offers a good quality of life, with a low cost of living and a wide range of cultural and recreational activities.


4. Santiago, Chile

  • Benefits

Strong focus on innovation and technological development. Chile has a strong focus on innovation and technological development. The country is home to several multinational technology companies and has invested significantly in research and development.


Extensive experience in industries such as mining and agriculture. Chile has extensive experience in industries such as mining and agriculture. This has created a demand for IT professionals with experience in these industries.


it staff augmentation latam


Good technological infrastructure. Chile has good technological infrastructure, including high-speed internet access and modern data centers.


Political and economic stability. Chile is a country with political and economic stability, which makes it an attractive place to invest in business.


Hiring an IT Staff Augmentation company in Latam offers companies a flexible and cost-effective solution to access high-quality technological talent. By choosing the right city for their needs, companies can take advantage of the unique competitive advantages that each region offers and boost their success in the global market.


Do you need an IT staff augmentation company to work on your next software project? At Rootstack, we have +14 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us.


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Top cities in Latam to hire an IT staff augmentation company
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