Which eCommerce Platform is Best for Small Businesses?

By lmartinez, 8 November, 2022



When a company starts, its top priority is to make itself known to potential customers. To achieve this, they resort to advertising on social networks and other channels, thus attracting people, but where are these users going to arrive? This is where a functional e-commerce platform becomes necessary.


Having the right e-commerce platform is essential to provide a good user experience, and it will help with the sales of your company, especially in its beginnings.


The scope of electronic commerce today and in the future


By 2023, total sales through electronic commerce platforms will reach a total of 6.54 trillion dollars worldwide, with 48% of buyers preferring electronically over going to a physical store, this number will of course continue to increase over the years.


Data like this only clarifies what is already known: for any company it is essential to have the right platform to sell their products or services through the internet, so we will present you the five best platforms to get started in this world.




Top 5 eCommerce Platforms for Small Businesses




Wix is ​​an eCommerce page building platform that has gained favor among small businesses due to its easy access and low cost, as well as taking less time to develop.




Despite coming in second place, Shopify is still one of the most used e-commerce platforms in the world, with 2.1 million daily active users according to figures provided by Hostingpill.


Shopify is completely cloud-based and hosted, which means you can access it from any compatible connected device, and we'll take care of software and server updates and maintenance for you.




A boon for companies that don't have the budget to hire a large roster of developers. Squarespace allows you to have a functional e-commerce website with little or no code, using pre-built templates.




"The electronic commerce platform that is made to order" this is the motto of this platform, one that with its economic development and hosting prices benefits small companies that want to have their products for sale as quickly as possible and so you can serve your customers.




With a 15-day free trial and subscription fees starting at $30, BigCommerce has been one of the ideal platform options for small businesses. It includes 36 payment options for customers, unlimited storage space, as well as the number of products in its cheapest plan.




Marketplaces or e-commerce page?


Another option for a small company is to use a Marketplace in its beginnings and offer its products there. Webinterpret recently reported that 48% of online shoppers use the largest Marketplaces to make purchases.


The most used marketplaces are:


  1. Amazon
  2. eBay
  3. Etsy
  4. Allegro
  5. Walmart
  6. Cdiscount
  7. Free market
  8. Alibaba/Taobao/Tmall
  9. Shopee
  10. Flipkart


The main benefits of selling on a Marketplace are:


  • Immediate access to a large number of clients since these are the most visited pages in the world on a daily basis, such as Amazon for example.
  • Tools to create your own e-commerce landing page, adjusted to your needs and those of the product.
  • Great benefit of the benefits of the Marketplace such as its positioning in searches and the advertising that they do to the page as such, bringing customers to your product that otherwise would never have heard about it.
  • Large test fields with less risk, this is a great benefit, for example, if you want to offer new products.
  • Loyal customers: in general, Marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay have a number of loyal users and visitors, so when a small and unknown company offers its products through these channels, they immediately obtain prestige and generate trust in consumers.


Whatever option you decide on when making your company known, you should always take into account the needs of your customers and potential users and offer them an e-commerce website where they can get everything they are looking for and have facilities of payment, in addition to a friendly design that invites them to buy again.


Rootstack has worked with over 200 clients internationally, developing various e-commerce websites, so we have the experience to help you. Do not hesitate any longer and contact us, so we can start working on a prosperous technological future for your company.


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Which eCommerce Platform is Best for Small Businesses?
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