Docusign vs ValidateID: Which is the best?

By dbracho, 25 April, 2022

digital signatures


Your life cannot be stopped by a signature. Your business cannot be stopped because someone has not signed a document. With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the world practically came to a standstill. The highest recommendation was to stay home to avoid the contagion of this deadly virus, which has been contained thanks to vaccination. And it was precisely in this context that the use of digital signature tools increased since in this way companies and their teams could electronically sign contracts and documents, starting their operations without relying on a physical signature.


Below, we made a comparison between two of the most used digital signature software today: DocuSign and ValidateID. Read the advantages and functionalities and choose the one that best suits your company.


e-signature solution: DocuSign


It is a digital signature solution that makes the entire process of signing any digital document much easier. It offers companies a whole set of tools and applications to send documents and process electronic signatures in the simplest way possible. It also handles contract lifecycle management, automating workflows, and deal management. Likewise, it speeds up the generation, review, and approval of agreements, they explain on the DocuSign website.




Advantages of this digital signature solution


  • Reduce costs, you will not have to invest in printers, or ink, much less paper.
  • Save time, because there will be no more long waits for a person to sign a physical document. You will simply open it from your email and sign the file.
  • Improve the customer experience, since the response time is 80% faster than without this digital signature solution.
  • Contracts can be signed in 44 languages ​​and sent in 14, with this software being active in at least 180 countries.
  • Meets the highest global safety standards. Your data and documents are always in good hands.


More than 1 million organizations around the world are using DocuSign to speed up their document signing and workflows, including Unilever and Salesforce. You can be confident that this platform will always be available to your company, even during maintenance periods.





DocuSign eSignature


It allows users to execute their electronic signature remotely, from anywhere they are. The signature can be done from any device, be it Windows, Android or iOS. “More than 80% of the agreements are completed in less than a day and 44% in less than 15 minutes”, the company limited.


It is advantageous as it helps eliminate manual processes that can be time-consuming and cumbersome. With this solution, you will save costs and increase the productivity of your team.


This e-signature platform also shows the status of the firm, and at what stage the process is found. You can add standard fields to your agreements like a signature, and a date, or create and save custom fields.


If you ever have a problem with the digital signature solution, support is available in 43 languages. It has more than 350 integrations and APIs, so you will be able to connect this service to almost any platform or system that you have in your company.




Document generation


DocuSign not only offers the tool to digitize the signing process, but also offers a solution to generate documents and contracts quickly, with just a couple of clicks from Salesforce.


"Effortlessly mix customer, product and price data to generate contracts in different formats, including Microsoft Word, PDF or DocuSign Agreement Cloud", they explained about this electronic signature tool. DocuSign connects very well with Salesforce CRM and Salesforce CPQ. This allows companies to close contracts much faster and without data errors, since all the information is taken directly from Salesforce.






This digital signature software company offers its clients products related to electronic signatures, such as VID Signer, created so that it can be integrated into third-party platforms. It is one of the most striking aspects of this software, since companies do not have to leave their current systems: they will simply be able to integrate this functionality of digital signatures into their platforms.


validate id




  • The integration is fast, in just a couple of hours you can be using ValidateID in your systems.
  • It provides added value to the work of your company's departments, being able to use digital signatures from the Human Resources department to the Logistics and Production areas. Everyone can benefit from this functionality.
  • ValidateID is always in charge of giving technical support to companies whenever they require it.
  • A digital signature solution allows companies to focus on their business strategies, without wasting time thinking about who is missing to sign a document.


Undoubtedly, the digital signature solution offered by ValidateID considerably improves the user experience, since it greatly facilitates this electronic signature process. No one has to travel or move from your site, just open the email to see the document pending to be signed. And the company that implements this solution will always have timely legal support and maximum security standards.


"Our SaaS solution easily integrates through the Rest API with multiple computer programs, including medical systems, record managers and document management systems, as well as human resources solutions, financial services, sales and logistics systems", ValidateID details in its website.


validate id




Biometric digital Signature


The person can leave the digital signature on a tablet in person. The interesting thing about this solution is that the signature is made on a specially calibrated tablet to capture data such as the pressure, inclination or speed of the signature, characteristics that are unique to each individual. All this data is encrypted.


firmas digitales


Remote Signature


The document is sent by email so that the person can sign it from anywhere in the world, remotely. Security is guaranteed in the following way: so that the person can issue their signature, they will receive a temporary password on their cell phone, through which they can authenticate their identity and access the signature.


Centralized signature


“The centralized digital signature is specially designed for internal company users who need to sign a large number of documents from any device using a digital certificate from any device”, they indicated.


firmas digitales




It allows an automatic signature process without the intervention of a person. “It is compatible with company or public administration seal certificates issued by the main certification service providers and is combinable and compatible with all other forms of signature”, VISigner pointed out in this regard.


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digital signatures
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