1. Focus on Business Expectations First
Your business needs a website, right? Or maybe your non-profit requires a new mobile app? While that’s a common assumption, it’s not quite accurate. What your organization truly needs is a tool to achieve its goals.
Digital agencies and development shops do build websites and applications, but the ultimate aim is to improve your business outcomes. It’s essential to remember that businesses exist to deliver value to customers in exchange for revenue.

Here’s a simple technique: Ask yourself, What is the core business objective I want to achieve? Forget about the technology for a moment—just focus on what’s most important for your business. For instance, a plumber might say their biggest need right now is generating more quality leads.
With a clear objective in mind, ask your digital agency, How will your solution help my business achieve this goal? When you understand the desired business outcomes, a good digital agency can craft the best solution for you. More importantly, this ensures you’ll achieve the results you need—which is the entire reason you’re engaging with them in the first place.
2. Think About Ongoing Support
You wouldn’t settle for anything less than perfect for your business, right? But even after a project is completed, adjustments often become necessary once the digital product is in use. That’s a good sign—it means the product is growing and adapting to real-world needs.
To prepare for this, make sure you and your developers have a clear understanding of the support services included in your agreement. Key questions to ask include:
- Does the support cover new features?
- What happens if something breaks?
Some budget-conscious clients choose to pay only for initial development and plan to handle updates later. However, this approach is rarely ideal. In most cases, you’ll need to go back to your original developers for updates or fixes. If your contract doesn’t include ongoing support, this could lead to delays—either because you need a new agreement or because the developers have moved on to other projects.

3. Review Your Project Schedule One Extra Time
Timely delivery is essential for development agencies to stay in business. However, every project comes with potential schedule risks.
Take the time to review your project schedule thoroughly. Ensure all stakeholders understand the timeline and any potential delays. A realistic and well-communicated timeline minimizes surprises and sets the foundation for a successful project.