Developing my own software or hiring a developer?

By Anonymous (not verified), 18 September, 2017
software development


Once the need to have customized Software has been defined, the next question that a company should ask itself is: What is better to do development in-house or hire a Software Development Provider?


software development


Developing my own software or hiring a developer?

Software Development at home requires hiring highly qualified personnel to be able to cover all the processes involved in Software Development since not only a developer is required but also a graphic designer, a staff to validate the quality of the Software, performance, Testing. and Support.


When hiring a Supplier for the development of the Software, you are not only hiring a developer, but you will have an entire team specialized in each of the areas so that the software works as required by the company. Once the need to have a custom software is defined, the next question that a company should ask is what is better to do: In-house development or hire a Software Developer? 


software development


In-house developing requires hiring a highly qualified staff to cover all the processes carried out by the Software Development since not only a developer but also a graphic designer is required to validate the quality of the Software, performance, testing and support. By hiring a supplier for Software development, not only do you hire a developer, but you will have a specialized team in each of the areas for the software to work as required by the company. 


Currently there are many Software Developers which can be excellent developers but this is not enough since a Custom Development implies more than development you must have an analysis of the activities carried out by the company to know what kind of solutions to present. Rootstack, as a software developer company in Panama, has a team of specialized engineers who cover all the stages of Software Development. 


software development


These stages are: 

- Software Consulting. 

- Graphic design. 

- Planning and development of the Software. 

- Definition of Demos. 

- Project development. 

- Project Completion. 

- Training. 

- Managed Services or Support. 


This is why working with a Software Development Provider gives the client the peace of mind and support that your investment will be maximized and in the best way possible.


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Developing my own software or hiring a developer?
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