Businesses are transforming with Digital Economy

By Anonymous (not verified), 28 May, 2018
Digital Economy has changed the way in which our businesses develop today, we live in an era in which companies have had to face the technological transformation of new innovations, improving the way of communicating their systems and adapting their companies to improve the efficiency of their processes. Rootstack participated in the II Conference on Digital Economy organized by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture that had as main point "Transforming in businesses with Digital Economy", the panels touched different topics where the priority was the way business is made in the digital era. ***Let's talk about success stories*** The first panel was marked by the participation of big businessmen, such as Stanley Motta, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Copa Airlines, and Nicolás González Revilla, CEO of Cable Onda, two companies from different sectors but who had to adapt to new technologies to improve the functioning and management of corporate companies, as well as maintain leadership in their fields. Not only companies had to get used to the digital era but also customers, businessman Stanley Motta in a recent reminisced to when they used electronic invoices to sell flight tickets but these did not give the customers a high level of trust and they demanded a physical ticket when buying tickets. ***Women in technology*** We believe that this panel was overshadowed by the first and there was a little mishap where about 50% of the spectators left the room after the first panel. On the other hand, the main point in this panel was the way women have impacted technology in this country and all of their contributions, however, they did express that being women in the tech field represented some difficulties where they did not feel as welcome. The truth from our point of view is that in the present there is too much competition in the IT field and the only thing that makes the difference in creativity and innovation that entrepreneurs can offer, so gender should not be the differential factor, but the impact that your business has. This made the panel look less flashy than the previous one, just because it does not treat the issue that concerns us attendees, which is none other than technology hand in hand with companies. ***The conditions for digital business*** The third panel took up the main theme for those to whom digital economy seems a way to innovate in business, such as the Hauzd project that won the innovation award given by SENACYT that was created by a Startup located in Ciudad del Saber, Panama. We also talked about Cybersecurity and the next projects that are developed by the private company that is committed to investing in infrastructure to improve connectivity and so on. ***Public politics?*** The last panel we consider the most critical of the four, however, all attendees agreed that there is a real need for policies in our country to encourage the use of technology for both traditional companies and startups, moreover, in the entire room there were only two people involved in political matters a Deputy and the General Administrator of the Government Innovation Authority. We are aware that at the state levels of technological projects will take years due to the delays we have with respect to other countries in Latin America, but it is critical to act at this time so that these differences are shortened and achieve the full potential technological and geographical area that Panama has. ***To conclude...*** The day certainly had some points that I think are important to highlight, - Technology and its contribution to companies and new Startups. - The importance of innovation, creativity, and effort of entrepreneurs to strengthen the business. - The need to promote public policies that help the growth of companies. Some things that we hope can improve... - Besides panelists the event had an area for Panamanian companies to put up stands and make their services known to the attendees, however, few were those who participated in the networking activities, which I feel is not as encouraged as it should have been, taking into account that the technology company was the main actor of this meeting. - The fact that after the first panel the room was half empty gave the impression that the event lacked organization and one point that affected more was that the second panel lacked ideal content to capture the attention of the public. - We hope that the topics discussed in this event will be considered by the participants who are involved in public policy and do not remain within the four walls of the room. ***Rootstack, as a digital solutions company, faithfully believes that digital economy is here to stay and we want to help you transform your company. Contact us for advice and ensure that your company is a leader in the market.***
Businesses are transforming with Digital Economy
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