Brain processes information best on story form

By Anonymous (not verified), 22 September, 2011
software development


As a continuation of my blog post about Too many options is not always good, I will write today about another way to make the websites we design more engaging to the visitor.


Let's say we got this product that has some amazing features, whistles, whatnot, and we want to sell it. We are trying to explain it in the simplest way for the visitors to understand it and hopefully buy or subscribe to it.


software development


Here's what I want to talk about: explaining our product in a story form. We've seen the examples:


Google Tv:



Google Parisian Love



Our brain processes information best on story form. These videos are easy to understand because they are in story form. According to Dr Susan Weinschenk “Research shows that when you tell a story the brain is reacting as though you are the character in the story. You are, in essence, experiencing what the person in the story is experiencing."


It's easy to relate to the situations that each of these videos narrate because we've been there and we see ourselves as if the video was talking about us. If the story can touch emotions of the audience the effect it's even greater. Once we enter the story emotionally, we tend to identify and fill the shoes of the character of the story; it's something natural.


The benefits of using stories to communicate are first: information is easier to understand and process, and second, we have the full attention of the people. We all are eager to hear stories because we know that a story will be interesting. It's something we see from since kindergarden when teachers tell stories to their students and parents reading bedtime stories for their children. Its no surprise that all the books for children are written this way. This knowledge doesn't limit to selling a product, it can be used for presentations, websites, videos, etc. I hope you can find this small article helpful.


Sources Why Storytelling Touch them in the emotions 5 ideas: How to use brain science to create presuasive presentations


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Brain processes information best on story form
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