In software engineering, dependency injection is a technique in which an object receives other objects that it depends on, called dependencies.
In recent days, we had the opportunity to participate in the Seventh Meeting of Innovation, technology and business: Expo Bizfit Panama 2015 organized by the Panamanian Chamber of Information Technology (CAPATEC) and The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP).
The event, with the support of Logistics Expo, which was held in the next room and which was paid for networking between businesses in logistics and technology companies.
Our experience in the Bizfit exceeded our expectations because attendance and receptiveness by the public was retroactive.
We invite you to participate in our first Rootnet webinar, in December, where we will extend on the benefits of the first product of our Rootnet suite; Rootnet CRM
Find out how this CRM is an essential tool in order to achieve the desired success for your company
- Automate workflows and solidify your database
- Provide the best service to your customers
- Strengthen your sales force
- Provide customers a platform for tracking projects
- Among others.
Let us give you a brief overview, using Rootnet CRM, on how to:
From 16 to 17 October this year JSConf Colombia 2015 event was held in the city of Medellin, Colombia and I had the opportunity to attend. In Rootstack we have already developed projects using Angular for the front-end and has definitely left us wanting to learn more. That was one of the most important reasons to go to the JSConf: see things which are new on the market, how they are doing things and thinking of ways to improve.
We will be attending two events on octuber focused on web development.
Panama: Bizfit
Colombia: JSConf Colombia
We will have a booth on Bizfit Panama, please join us and register if you would like to schedule a meeting at our booth
We will be making a community event focused on Drupal 8
Probable date: Saturday, December 5, 2015
- 9:00 a.m. Drupal 8 - What's New? | Roberto Cardenas (General)
- 9:45 a.m. Twig with Cats | Antonio TouriƱo (Front End)
- 10:30 a.m. Create your own theme in Drupal 8 Sass, and Gulp. | Jorge Acosta (Front End)
- 11 a.m. 10 areas in which D8 is safer. (General) | Javier Troy (backend)
- 11:45 a.m. Create a module from scratch Drupal 8, Drupal Symfony Console and tools. | Juan Barba (Backend)
- 12:30 Creating a command with the console component of symfony.
We invite you to take part of this event, where we will be explaining more about:
- 1. E-commerce; its relevance to the current market
- Introduction to Drupal Commerce
- Case study
- Drupal Commerce API
- Functional modules:
- Product variations
- Inventory
- Shopping cart
- Other modules
- API Payment
- Creating custom made control panels
I was recently working on a project in Drupal in which I was asked to use AngularJS management functionality on a specific page. (To learn more about AngularJS, you can check este blog).
The first thing I thought was: Will it be easy to implement?
###What is ReactJS?
It is a library created by Facebook, focused on the development for web UI components and their performance. It uses what they call "Virtual DOM", updating only parts of the DOM that changed without having to render the whole page or section of the page.