By Anonymous (not verified), 7 January, 2020

Do you know how SERPs (search engine results pages) work? These pages have become our modern-day yellow pages, consumers type in a few words on a search bar expecting to get all the answers for their questions. Reading this study from BrandVerity we found that up to 63% of customers don’t understand how search results are ranked, they believe its either relevancy or advertising.

By Anonymous (not verified), 7 January, 2020
Security breaches are a constant worry when developing and maintaining an application since malicious users become more and more advanced with time by either attacking at vulnerable hours and/or leaving behind a traceable path to attack again with no possible detection.
By Anonymous (not verified), 19 December, 2019
In the 9 years, we have been in the market (10 years from 2020), we have never had a year of so much learning as 2019.
By Anonymous (not verified), 2 December, 2019
Through RPA software a company can automate repetitive tasks and provide a better user experience for customers.
By Anonymous (not verified), 16 November, 2019

Each version of Rootnet provides certain functionalities through a wide variety of web products and services. The new integration with is no exception, as you'll discover in this blog (if you don't know, you can check their website). Within this vast sea of goodness, there are always some features that generate a lot of enthusiasm among Rootnet customers.

By Anonymous (not verified), 30 October, 2019
***Rootstack*** participó en el [eCommerce Day 2019]( realizado en Ciudad de Panamá, un evento que representa la incursión de muchos negocios en el ámbito del comercio electrónico, y otros transmitiendo su experiencia en el desarrollo de estas plataformas. Para nosotros representa una gran oportunidad para asesorar a compañías que están iniciando en este nuevo modelo de negocio a superar los desafíos que surgen para adaptarse a los cambios de la industria. ![enter image description here]( Es