By lmartinez, 30 December, 2021 How to use Props in ReactJS Props have an important function: they pass data from one component to another.
By lmartinez, 29 December, 2021 How Matrix Work in Python and How to Use Them When we talk about Matrix in Python, we are referring to a specialized two-dimensional rectangular array of data, which is stored in rows and columns.
By lmartinez, 29 December, 2021 How to connect MongoDB database with Django MongoDB is a document database, which means that it stores data in documents like JSON.
By lmartinez, 28 December, 2021 The ten tools for continuous integration most used by DevOps in 2021 Continuous integration is the process of building automation that verifies each record in a shared repository.
By lmartinez, 28 December, 2021 What is an unit test from a DevOps perspective Unit tests are generally written and executed by software developers to ensure that the code conforms to their design and behaves as intended.
By lmartinez, 20 December, 2021 Inertia.js and its advantages for Laravel developers Inertia is not a framework, nor is it a replacement for your existing server-side or client-side frameworks.
By lmartinez, 20 December, 2021 How to add a splash screen in React Native with Splashboot The splash screen, or welcome screen, is a view or screen that is shown when the application is started for the first time
By lmartinez, 20 December, 2021 Flutter vs React Native: which is the best option? The last few months to years, trends in multiplatform mobile application development technology have been dominated by these two frameworks.
By lmartinez, 17 December, 2021 React 18: benefits of updating the popular library React 18, as they named it, went from its Alpha state to beta and some developers in the community have already tested this latest update.