By Anonymous (not verified), 11 May, 2021

Dobie Center, 2021 Guadalupe Street,

Suite 260. Austin, Texas.

78705. USA.

By Anonymous (not verified), 3 May, 2021
HTML is one of the most popular computer languages used to create websites. It is straightforward to learn, given that most resources can be found online.
By Anonymous (not verified), 3 May, 2021

Resolution 000013 published by DIAN obliges all Colombian companies to implement electronic payroll in 2021. We understand that it can be overwhelming! In this webinar, we will talk about the resolution and what is stipulated by DIAN, we will clearly explain what the electronic payroll is, how it works, and how to implement it in your company successfully. Experts in digital transformation will clarify all your doubts so that the implementation process is efficient and organized, so join us now and become an expert on this matter. [Exposition in Spanish]

By Anonymous (not verified), 30 April, 2021
Grunt JS is a JavaScript task runner that you can use to automate your front end development workflow.
By Anonymous (not verified), 30 April, 2021
Ionic is a platform that allows developers to create and design cross-platform applications with a single codebase.
By Anonymous (not verified), 30 April, 2021
What is Odoo? Is a true business solution, and we trust fully in it.