By lmartinez, 26 January, 2022
Ts-node is a TypeScript execution engine and REPL for Node.js. JIT transforms TypeScript into JavaScript, which allows you to directly run TypeScript in Node.js without precompiling.
By Aletobon, 17 January, 2022


We want to invite you to our next webinar, in which we will talk about very interesting topics focused on the digital transformation of companies to take them to the next level.

Together with Odoo, we have organized an event focused on explaining all the details you need to know for the implementation of an ERP, focused on small, medium, and large companies. We will touch topics to land from the perspective when implementing it to the reality of its implementation.


Some of these topics are:

By dbracho, 12 January, 2022
Mobile application development is booming and, of course, companies want to create their platforms with the best tools in the technology industry.